Author Archives: chris92

Professionals are Responsible for Their Mental Wellness

professional mental healthProfessionals in the work place face new challenges than working professionals did in the past. In the information age of a fast moving world, there is more expected of working professionals than in any other time in history. The stress that can amount due to professional appointments, meetings, deadlines and expectations can be heavy on a human psyche. Throughout the long history of our evolution, we did not exist in this type of world and many of us are not properly prepared to cope with it. Professionals who are struggling to balance their mental health must take a proactive approach and find help for themselves in order to succeed in life. Some of the things they should do are as follows:

  • Talk to a trusted confidant. Through much of human history, counseling was not an organized thing. People would simply talk to members of their tribe about what they were going through. If your problems are not clinical, often times this is all you really need to decompress. Talk to a friend or family member about what they are going through. Share your heart and let someone you love give you perspective on your problems.
  • See a counselor. For those who are in real physical or emotional danger, counseling should be sought. It is completely understandable and healthy to want a professional mental health opinion on difficult life circumstances. Many regions offer counseling services at a discounted or income based rate.
  • Make time for stress release. Everyone needs to unwind with a therapeutic hobby that they enjoy. Whether its exerting yourself with long distance bike rides or relaxing on the couch to watch your favorite movies, only you know what will truly reduce the stress in your life. Do not forego this mental health necessity.
  • Alter your lifestyle. If necessary, you may need to be open to altering your lifestyle. You will be aware of this based on the advice of people in your life whom you trust, or perhaps based on your own self awareness. People can hold on to an array of unhealthy lifestyle choices, ranging from overeating to cutting corners to binge drinking. Do whatever you have to in order to release these problems from your life, because they are increasing your stress.

When Professionals Require Mental Care

workplace mental careStress in the workplace and in the rest of life are more common than peace and stability in those areas. Someone who is holding a career but is struggling to hold their life together should not feel alone. The level of expectations on an adult in the working world are at an all time high, as is mental instability, not surprisingly. A problem as widespread as this requires a highly developed treatment in order to remedy it. Addictions to substances and to behaviors are largely the knew way of coping with worldly stress, and mental disorders such as depression and anxiety affect every third person.

Addiction and mental disorders are merely challenges to overcome. There is a mentally healthy person inside everyone simply waiting to come out and achieve career, relationship and health success. They just need the encouragement, support and expertise of caring mental health professionals to bring it out of them. There is no need to wish for the life management you have always dreamed of when you can achieve it.

Executive rehabilitation is a form of addiction and mental disorder treatment that is designed for a working professional. For someone who is fighting to maintain the career they have worked hard for but is drowning in addiction and mental disorder, executive rehabilitation is the answer. Rather than making a clean break from your life to go into rehab, you have the option of continuing your career while receiving the treatment you need. Executive rehab programs are inpatient style, providing housing for the client to keep them safely separated from their harmful lifestyle, however, they allow access to your regular career functions by providing you with business center accommodations and keeping your treatment schedule flexible so that you can appear at work in person if needed. Treatment consists of group and individual therapy methods to cognitively (and medically, if need be) move you past your harmful behaviors.

Stress on Working Professionals

professional stressStress in the workplace would seem to be fairly universal. The topic can be found in articles, forums, chat rooms, blogs, advice columns and every other medium of communication imaginable. Stress free or low stress jobs would seem to be non-existent as the working world insists on an ever-increasing pace of productivity in order to stay competitive. Three main stress factors have been found to be largely responsible for the stress epidemic that is sweeping the modern workplace.

The first and foremost cause of workplace stress is an excessive workload. Not personal problems or misinterpretations, simply too much work. Particularly after the recession that began in 2007 when business resources were at an all time low, it became very common for one person to do the work of two or more. As superhuman as many of us try to be, there is a limit on how much we can do in a day. One of the functions of the modern working world is to test those limits and push the boundaries of what is considered a “normal” amount of work. Many businesses push too far and expect too much, resulting in the mental collapse of its employees.

Bad communication and relationships are another large source of stress within the workplace. This may be with co-workers or with supervisors. An inharmonious workplace is far more common than a harmonious one because poor communication skills and poor conflict resolution skills are allowed to flourish. Instead of addressing issues, those working together tend to repress them and grow resentful of their co-worker instead of speaking up. This is a psychologically unhealthy behavior that should be corrected for the sake of the entire work force.

And lastly, stress in the workplace can simply be due to a person’s unrealistic expectations, either of their own working abilities or of their employer. It is not always an outside factor that is responsible for the stress on a working professional. Often, the catalyst can come from within. It is more common for a person to enter the working world with unrealistic expectations of how it works than it is for a person to be naturally in sync with it.

In Canada, there are a great many stressful workplace environments you may find yourself in, such as a position with the RCMP or a number of jobs in Fort McMurray. Do not succumb to workplace stress. Instead, heed the advice of the mental health experts who can guide you in your pursuit of good stress management.


Stress Management in the Workplace

workplace stress managementWe know that stress is very commonly found in the workplace, due to heavy workloads, broken relationships with co-workers and unrealistic expectations. But what can be done about this unwanted stress? Ongoing stress has been found to cause serious mental and physical health problems; a good reason to learn how to stay one step ahead of it. If you are serious about managing your workplace stress, the best thing you can do for yourself is learn how to balance your wants and needs with your responsibilities, and cope with your decisions.
Coming to terms with your responsibilities in the workplace is the first step to managing your stress. If your workload is reasonable, but you approach it with an unwilling attitude, you are setting yourself up for unneeded stress. There will be basic performance standards expected in any workplace you are a part of, and if you try to avoid your responsibilities, you will become overwhelmed with negativity from co-workers, backlogged work and threatened job security. Instead, you should embrace your responsibilities by meeting them head on, and if they cause you stress, think of healthy ways to deal with it. For example, make time for yoga, exercise and nature walks, or stock up on soothing herbal teas. If there is a conflict in your workplace, address it immediately in a rational, respectful manner.
However, this is not to say that you should tolerate a toxic work environment. The key to managing stress is not trying to meditate away a workplace that is unhealthy beyond repair. It is true that you are responsible for managing some stress, but it is also true that you have a right to enforce your wants and needs. If you feel you are being mistreated at work, speak up about it to a supervisor or a human resources department. If you feel your worker’s rights have been violated, address it with someone who can influence the decision making in your workplace. And if you come to realize that the problem will not change, or that you are simply too dissatisfied with the workplace, move on and find a position elsewhere that fulfills you.

Mental Health and Career Success

mental health career successHaving good mental health is a benefit in every area of life, and the workplace is no exception. What we do for work is meant to be the ultimate expression of our life’s purpose. This is an arena where a person’s mental health is going to be put to the test unlike any other. Executing a challenging purpose tests our coping skills, our focusing abilities, our decision making capabilities and our leadership abilities. Those who approach these challenges with sound mental health are going to see more success in them than those who are mentally unhealthy.

Good mental health simply gives a person the clarity they need to navigate the working world. When a mentally healthy person experiences a let down, they learn from it what to do differently in the future. When they are forced to deal with a difficult co-worker, they embrace the challenge of connecting with someone who is hard to connect with. Their willingness to learn from the world around them is the key to their confidence in their own ability to overcome trials and achieve success. On the other hand, a mentally unhealthy person becomes overwhelmed by the challenges they encounter and initiates negative thought patterns. When a mentally unhealthy person experiences a let down, they tend to take it personally and either beat themselves up or become spiteful. When met with a difficult co-worker, they become avoidant or confrontational. Their negative thought patterns repeatedly take them down the wrong roads, away from opportunities to change.

Those who are stuck in mentally unhealthy ways of thinking have the ability to change. Thought patterns are elusive and adjusting them requires a lot of work and critical thinking, but it can be done. Some people are able to teach themselves new ways of thinking, while others require the help of a mental health professional. Either way, the cognitive process of changing the way you approach the world, in order to achieve success in the workplace, relationships and the rest of life, is possible.

Addiction: A Bad Way to Cope with Workplace Stress

addiction and work stressHigh-profile individuals, such as attorneys, physicians and CEOs, leave school with incredible ambition to make a difference in the world. They take high-power positions which allow them to do just that – but at a cost. The amount of responsibility and pressure that falls on their shoulders can be overwhelming, especially if they have dependents or large financial commitments.

With no time to release stress in a healthy way, such as through exercise or meditation, working professionals often turn to escapism to find a few minutes of release. This is usually through an addictive substance or activity, such as alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex. What seems like a clever, manageable idea at first quickly becomes detrimental to the person’s well-being as they become more dependent on the substance or activity. Family, friends and co-workers begin to notice changed behavior, work performance suffers and health begins to decline. Soon there after, a severe addiction forms and nothing but the help of rehabilitation professionals can end the problem.

The best way to end addiction is to stop before you start. If you have been dabbling in addictive substances or activities, or have been considering it, recognize that you are playing with fire. Addiction takes lives in the hundreds of thousands, and destroys lives in the millions. Do not underestimate the likelihood that you will become dependent on a substance. Addiction in high-functioning individuals is more common than addiction within any other group, and requires addiction treatment for professionals.

If you are already addicted, find an addiction counselor now who can guide you through the process of recovery. Do not attempt to get rid of a severe addiction alone. Statistically, your chances of relapsing are very high when you do so. Instead, allow professionals to detox you, restrict you from your addiction, and help you reason your way out of it through careful cognitive behavioral counseling. You will benefit enormously from the mental health professionalism you will find at a quality rehabilitation center.